That Kinda Mama

ya sabes

that kinda mujer

bringing flores de colores

in her smile

twinkling stars in her eyes

her skills in writing out heartache

perfected over years

of experiencing breaking down

someone else’s trauma

promises unfulfilled

some lessons she could have done without

but not at the cost of good

poetic thoughts and moments

of direct guidance

from elemental forces

standing calm in wind

she never did once question the pain

in her sacrifice

uncomfortable too tight life

the constant reminders

how far she left behind memories

in her mind playing tricks

she knew too well

that kinda mama

all natural child birth to prove

her own worth

to raise anyone else but herself

in four directions

her life story

cartographic tattoos on skin

once touched in sensation and want

dampening earth with tears

never one to waste water

she tasted salt on lips whispering

to trees her powers

in recalling dreaming

every step she stumbled

while muttering sixth senses

to one she did not care to know

who told her she lacked grace in her heart

longing the descent of love

after heartbreak

she could slide in syllables

down mountain sides

red rocks letting go

righteous cliffs in wilderness

clinging lichen connection

not one to let go

remembering true love deep

in canyon vastness of forever

she knew when only one side

meant words as prayer

that kinda mama

living by all means necessary

channeling survival her priority alive

in wholehearted poetry

quiet in rooms

no one hears her meaning

without pertaining to their own need

she found her every word written

as a sigh sign

challenging self to relearn the intent of love

that kinda mama

vintage slips accenting collarbone

prayer beads verses

in curves flowing

after rain river swelling

she drove under stars

in crescent moonlight

the last shoot out

flung from hips that dip

in hot springs unconcealed

her pistol she held

La Frida style

words used as weapons

with no regret the last shout out

mama almighty force

she conquered in waves of energy

loving earth standing ground

strength her atonement

in nature splendor

set in stone

she could find love winning

after all that man made war

manifested destiny to destroy

her demeanor she understood

earth for life meaning

dirt and water needing each other

making soft love

adobe yielding to be shaped again

in the fold and hold of one more embrace

shape shifting her life experiences

as beauty to behold her ability

to walk talk when wounded

fly when falling

she skimmed close

to the ground finding life

misting air breaths

standing still in between storms

her vibration in airborne chemistry

the lover that can never have again

what held them together

in the beginning of another time

she cannot remember forever

her uninhabited woman naturalness inherited

abuelitas swishing skirts backstory guidance

that kinda mama

with no need to explain

walking away after putting up a good fight

underestimated in love and kindness

her nature fury a good thing

that kinda mama

she gives

back to earth

in the roots of trees

regenerating life

if you can

dig it.



Love Gang


Perhaps Pleasure