¡Soy la Tierra!

¡Soy La Tierra!

Soy la tierra

I learned as a little girl

I knew this always being 

the dirty child

“allergic to white”

my mother would exclaim

taking one look at me coming in 

after playing  in the mud

and rain

I had a taste for dirt since the beginning

soy la tierra

I quickly forgot growing up

in a Disney mentality 

image obsessed judgmental society

the mined polished diamond

meaning more than the natural 

heart shaped river rock

I wandered far

only to get lost on paved paths

fighting meanings on what it meant 

to be a woman defined

by material possessions

and religious persecution

the confusion in disconnect

I fought back just to regain

my balance

soy la tierra

I found out further down the dirt path

I sat still long enough to realize 

who I was coming from earth 

all my life lost in the search

outside myself

soy la tierra

I tell my children

one by one planting seeds 

that will never die

soy la tierra

I will whisper

to mi hombre

only wanting the one 

who would fight and die

for my land

soy la tierra

I share smiles con mi hermanas

grabbing hands sharing laughter 

and tears

shaking dirt from our skirts

our earth moments

making us real.

¡soy la tierra!



Love Gang